Reusable sandwich bags
The global focus on reducing the amount of household waste is a priority. It’s important that we eliminate most of the rubbish we send to the landfill. So imagine how much rubbish we will eliminate if everyone used reusable sandwich wraps.
Yes, it’s time to forget about using aluminium foil or cling film as a daily sandwich wrap. Instead, swap it for a reusable sandwich wrapper that delivers zero waste.

Every small gesture can make a big improvement.
We can improve the planet’s health by minimising the amount of food packaging we use. Actually, creating less waste benefits us all. It’s worth bearing in mind that the condition of our water, land and air, directly affects our health.
There are over 7 billion people in the world and bad habits are damaging the planet. All the packed lunches our kids take to school, those mid-morning snacks at work, and day-trip picnics pile up unnecessary waste.

It’s time to make a change! Our Boc’n’Roll sandwich holders, minimize the waste generated by eating out on a daily basis.
It’s time to make a change! Our Boc’n’Roll sandwich holders, minimize the waste generated by eating out on a daily basis.

Eco-friendly sandwich bags
At Roll’eat we appreciate that healthy eating is not always easy. With busy work schedules and a shortage of time to relax, there’s no wonder that people are encouraged to buy fast food and snacks from vending machines.
These habits are not good for your health or the health of the environment.
Essentially, our products encourage people to take care of themselves. We want to help improve your eating habits. Our aim is to help you look and feel better.
Roll’eat wants to help individuals and families improve their lifestyle by promoting healthy living habits.
We can’t physically prepare healthy food for you every morning of course, but we believe that with our sustainable snack holders to hand, you will develop a healthy-eating philosophy by packing your own food (and protecting the planet at the same time).

We are proud to say that our products have eco-friendly characteristics. That’s why:
When you take responsibility for what you eat, your children also benefit from learning how to eat healthily as well.
We have a range of reusable sandwich bags. Choose your favourite now!

Reusable sandwich wrap that helps you go green
Lunch boxes designed by Roll’eat provide everyone with an environmentally-friendly alternative to disposable wrappings. By using our reusable sandwich bags, you avoid creating unnecessary waste that causes serious damage to nature.
Roll’eat is a leading advocate of the ‘Zero Waste’ trend, and understand that changing disposable materials for reusable sandwich wraps can make a real difference to our health.

Thanks to the consistency in our approach, our functional and sustainable solutions have been recognised by the following awards:
Solutions 2014 Award
Rewards products that stand out for their originality and provide intelligent solutions to everyday problems
Red Dot Award
One of the most important awards of its kind. Acknowledges the quality and innovation of domestic and professional products.
By adopting Boc’n’Roll sandwich bags, you also contribute to a sustainable future.
The amount of food wrapping generated on a daily basis is overwhelming. It has to end. Our reusable food wrappers help contribute to reducing waste and teaching future generations to live sustainably.
Buy our reusable sandwich container today, and help reduce your waste… so that our children will have a healthier planet tomorrow!